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[LUG] OT sky fibre broadband



I am under pressure at home to get a bigger allowance than the 100GB/30 days and a faster connection than the 2MBps rate we get out here in the sticks so they can all download and stream films and video.

The nice lady at Sky reckons they will bring a fibre from the cabinet to our home (a good mile from the nearest one AFAIK) and says there is no limit on our downloads. She also says we should get 11Mbps.

I am confused about this as my reading was that there was FTTC and then copper, but she says they have been doing fibre all the way for about 2 months. All for an engineers fee of £50.

Interesting that someone down the road is alleged to get 24MBps from BTInfinity. About a half mile to the cabinet.

I would be grateful for comments.

James Kilty

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