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Re: [LUG] Amazing


On 25/09/12 11:59, tom wrote:
> On 25/09/12 11:49, paul sutton wrote:
>> On 25/09/12 11:20, Dan Dart wrote:
>>> That's what should be called "Augmented web apps"...
>> Which means nothing to me,
>> Paul
> Its OK - there’s nothing 'augmented web' about it. Its legacy software
> embedded in a web page. The same thing could easily be done with html
> but to do that means its non-proprietary and easily and cheaply
> replaced - not what adobe want.
> Tom te tom te tom
So basically taking something simple and open like html and replacing it
with something overcomplex, closed and no doubt buggy and based on what
happens on my dads windows 7 laptop seems to want an update every bloody



skype : psutton111


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