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I had a pay around with this a few years back to... also with limited success. Separate graphics cards with different chipsets would be the best way (easiest way to make sure Xorg keeps things separate) and USB keyboards and mice.
Last time I played with it I did get it running, but it was a bit flakey... things like session 1 logging out would close down the other sessions too.
Hi folks,
I was thinking today about possibly interesting things to play with at the Exeter LUG meetings and one thing I've played with in the past (rather unsuccessfully I might add) is multi-head X.
Basically the idea is you have a PC with one or more graphics cards (I think it might be possible with multi head graphics cards too but without things like 3D or video acceleration) and multiple keyboards and mice attached and each display/keyboard/mouse combo have their own session. In a way it's a bit like LTSP but on the one machine.
I was thinking if we had enough hardware (such as PCI graphics cards and sound cards) we could maybe try and get something running. It could be a good option to offer to local groups that might want a PC or two (and I'd like to get something like this working to stop my kids squabbling over who uses the family PC :-P).
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