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Re: [LUG] Samba - not the dance


Hello Neil,

So, if anyone can point me towards any tutorials or help files which
specifically cover Linux to Linux file sharing using Samba I will be
very grateful. And yes I do have friends who use Windows but I have
neither the need nor the wish to share files with them.

In a purely linux environment, Samba offers little that nfs doesn't as far as sharing files/directories goes, which explains why most guides don't go into that.

Yes, it's possible, mostly by mounting remote shares instead of map drives - but really, use NFS instead. Less overhead.

Generally you'll want a server, or lacking that, the desktop that's turned on most of the time to host the files (or the one with the most disk space...) and define a directory to export using /etc/exports

Each client would then mount that as if it appeared on their local filesystem. Perhaps using /etc/fstab and /mnt/BillysMoviesDrive or whatever.

Same theory for Samba, just different ways of exporting and mounting, but as I say, it's not the best tool for this use.

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