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Re: [LUG] The disc drive for / is not ready yet or not present


On 02/09/12 14:36, Martijn Grooten wrote:
I upgraded my Ubuntu this morning. I suppose I didn't look carefully
enough at warnings/errors, for when the machine told me it was time
for a restart I just did that. And now, upon booting, I get the
following error

The disc drive for / is not ready yet or not present

I can manually recover the / directory by mounting it from the
command-line. That works. I've also run fsck which found some minor
errors. But none of these really solve the problem.

I've found that it's probably cause by apt-get not having finished and
thus leaving the system in an unbootable state. To fix this, I can run
apt-get upgrade -f -- which, indeed tells me there are many packages
to be upgraded. However, to do so I obviously need a network
connection. And the machine has stopped seeing any network.

By running

start networking

I can get localhost back, which is nice but not very helpful as I need
eth0. Any thoughts?



My Ubuntu 12.04 upgrade did the same thing. I booted from the CD again and downloaded Boot Repair from SourceForge (https://sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair).
...followed the wizard and rebooted. Done

Good luck.


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