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On 31/08/12 16:29, bad apple wrote: > In terms of pay, the industry standard in Devon is to pay level 2 Early > Years / Childcare or unqualified at national minimum wage only and level > 3 at around £6.90 / hour. As a PhD qualified senior manager I can afford > to pay myself 99p above national minimum wage!!! At those rates we just > about survive using fund-raising to top up our income. I think anyone > offering anything above national minimum wage for level 2 is actually > being quite generous. Most of the commercial nurseries only employ > apprentices as the lower paid staff (for whom the national minimum wage > is only £2.60/hour) and then sack them when they qualify - but then they > need to turn a profit, which as a charity we don't. > > > Your email is informative and depressing. Our children are quite > literally our future and yet we're fucking them over like this. When are > we ever going to learn? > > Regards > I agree, We won't do anything and it will get worse, as more cuts start to bite, cheap labour only works so far, children need consistency and there is more than enough research to show that, however so long as the industry is squeezed, then i guess something HAS to give. So I assume once you have qualified there is no chance of getting a job as the employers just look for more apprentices, as its cheap labour, of course hiring apprentices under 25 or under 18 means that the youth unemployment figures can be fixed further, what worries me is that the unemployed will soon be doing the jobs filled by everyone else cheaply, if the jobs are then why can't the be offered proper jobs. Work for benefits I agree you should do more than sit around all day, BUT it seems that people are going to be exploited and real workers will lose out, Take this job working with kids,,regardless of if you want to or not, this puts the kids in danger as they are with people who don't care or don't want to care, and are there simply to get benefits, could have real safeguarding issues if something came up as you HAVE duty to do something if these people feel they don't then something bad is going to happen. Paul -- http://drupal.zleap.net skype : psutton111 http://www.linkedin.com/pub/paul-sutton/36/595/911 -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq