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[LUG] Linux as a gaming platform? WAS :- Microsoft in first loss to date


On 07/20/2012 04:01 PM, paul sutton wrote:
All the more reason to make sure we keep plugging the alternatives and
the advantages of freedom,  the fact steam is being ported to linux
(while controversial )  is a good thing for gamers and something to tell
people if they mention games,   First instance its being ported to
ubuntu,  but hopefully then to other distros.

Indeed. A am not a gamer (mainly due to time and other things of greater 
interest), but what do gamers think....
Could linux be a good platform for games? (using less system resources?, 
leaving a greater proportion for the game itself?).
Are proprietary games on linux good for floss? good for linux? I am not 
certain the answer is straight forward. What do you think?
Cheers roly :-)

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