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On 15/05/12 12:40, paul sutton wrote:
I don't know. The music/movie industry continue to push for DRM which is a difficult area for Linux both technically and ethically. I meant to say Lovefilm (not Film Four).So whom do we contact to ask for support so we can, there has to be an independent body we can go to who, the more names they get the more weight there is to the argument. This to me is a major barrier to the take up of Linux based systems, apparently windows 8 is dropping some support for cd / dvd devices, i guess in an attempt to force people on to these net services. (i guess that is to increase the profits of these multinational rip off merchants). So if new users come up with this we should be able to direct them to ONE place to register to FORCE change., no good having 10 lobby groups with 10 names each when 1 lobby group with 100 names carries far more weight, clearly by tying thigns in to MS it gives them the usual unfair monopoly on the system so once everyone is locked in, start charging for the service. or increase the price you need to pay to watch stuff. Paul
According to their blog (http://blog.lovefilm.com/uncategorized/why-were-switching-from-flash-to-silverlight.html ): /"We’ve been asked to make this change by the Studios who provide us with the films in the first place, because they’re insisting – understandably – that we use robust security to protect their films from piracy, and they see the Silverlight software as more secure than Flash."/
What confuses me is that I thought Microsoft were killing off Silverlight. Gibbs -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq