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Re: [LUG] Fwd: Ubuntu challenges OS status quo


On 05/03/2012 09:23 AM, paul sutton wrote:
On 03/05/12 00:04, Julian Hall wrote:
'Free of charge, free of viruses and designed to outpace its rivals on
low-end systems - Ubuntu has some obvious advantages.

The operating system claims 20 million people use it a day. Not an
insignificant number, but still a drop in the ocean compared to
Microsoft's Windows or Apple's OS X.'


2 issues

1.  The above implies it is aimed at low end systes,  Why ? Low  just
end systems,  Linux (not just ubuntu) is capable of running on anything
from these low end right up to top of the market computers,   I can see
where he is coming from in terms of bring old computers back in to use
but some people may interpret that as only low end systems.

2.  Raspberry PI ( stripped back PC) as gordon says the Raspberry PI is
just another Linux box,  what does a computer have that a PC does not
have.  The raspberry PI is a computer on a chip  so why striipped back
what does the Raspbery PI lack that a PC has in terms of basic input ->
process ->  output  ok that is a very old model diagram but all
computers are essentially following that block model.  Or have i mis
interpreted what he means by stripped back PC.

Nice article,  though,   it gives Ubuntu some exposure,  which is a good
thing,  people may start looking for info and even find the LUG on there
which will be a good thing :)


hi all,i agree with paul,i run zorin 64 ultimate on my 775 socket quad running@xxx with 4gb ram,ok so its a bit outdated now compared to i5/i7,but this machine flies,and is a lot faster than my other machine which is identical and running xp and 7 64.
happy days alex the noob

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