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Re: [LUG] tablet computers


On 30/04/12 07:02, Henry Bremridge wrote:
> Do I assume that tablets can be used for eg taking notes in a classroom, in
> business meetings but they need to be backed up by a desktop / laptop for
> writing essays?

He suggested not using a tablet for those sorts of activities.

The tablet browsers are catching up, but they are pretty poor "out of
the box" for content creation. Certainly online content creation.

The mobile NetKit browsers had the Rich Text Editor component ripped out
of them, now Apple and Google are sticking them back in, and trying to
make them work sensibly on a touch device. IOS5 was the last I checked,
and the Rich Text Editor was barely better than useless.

Off the web you are still stuck with on screen keyboard, with stupid
mode switching.

If you only need the odd note than perhaps a tablet or phone would be

I would say the phones and tablets have cameras and sounds recorders for
note taking, except the one time I saw someone had done that you
couldn't read the text from the photo - lesson - use a proper camera.

Backups on the other hand are to do with if you want the information in
future. If you do back it up, even if it is on a phone or USB stick, if
you don't need it - leave it be and the Universe will eventually ensure
it is erased.

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