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Re: [LUG] Bluetooth


On Mon, 23 Apr 2012, Neil Winchurst wrote:

Up to now I have always ignored bluetooth. However I have noticed that
it is enabled on my new smartphone and I am wondering what it is all
about. (On my computer I am using Mint KDE Maverick.)

I know that it is for connecting devices over small distances. On my
phone a scan does not find anything. In system settings on the computer
I get the message 'No bluetooth adapters have been found'. In the menu,
under Internet I see bluedevil as a choice but it has no effect.

I have done some Googling only to finish up more confused than ever. So
can anyone point me in the right direction please?

Do you have a bluetooth adapter in your computer? If not, then you're not going to find it...

Bluetooth uses the 2.4GHz spectrum, but at a very low power, however it's not compatible with Wi-Fi, but the 2 co-exist OK. Early devices would run Bluetooth or Wi-Fi but not both at the same time due to hardware restrictions - newer ones can now run both.

USB Bluetooth adapters are under a tenner now.


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