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Re: [LUG] Its hard for me to be unprejudiced when it comes to Microsoft products
- To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [LUG] Its hard for me to be unprejudiced when it comes to Microsoft products
- From: Nick Roach <nick.roach@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 13:20:09 +0000
- Delivered-to: dclug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20120113; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :content-type; bh=3CNR+Hfxa5NOCNfynlKVdwGmwgnt4kh5Uo8Uz4vEb20=; b=FGntUIltwMZ4ptrdCMBOKPgoymdiHw6wz44nmaXNZGL9hBYbvelSK/DDuYqnAdhMr7 cTlY93Mu2vvfVyD63YTYvcz9Rr78deIRebgy7ay4w6/o84OntWASv9Csa5r9yt08RyJO /dGB+/GspYocDY55JeNwkcvRr3HUt0/fd0XyptdHExYG14ZjuWNM2teV/FJDLRjpbjHj LJt9HCXHILPBk401G1va/1JSbcbJ8fcL0jC2XLeizk7AmWQ/FdsScWzrppmgToG7ndIN LGNT7CyGGK8vSI3zNCXAUYgCDTvMZrVZ/pTYc8japKlcttEziz6vZz0Kk4ZpjJUCuKQx djFg==
I'll be honest, I've not had a lot of luck with either. I'll stock to the SGS2 and android thanks, lol.
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