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Re: [LUG] A slice of Pi gets closer...


On 16/01/12 08:29, Kai Hendry wrote:
Aren't folks getting a little _too_ excited by Rasberry PI? I must say
it's getting a absurd amount of coverage from BBC et al.

It's a toy, an education device. The specs are super low, yet people
ask me if repeatedly if Webconverger will be ported to it. You can't
hope to browse in a modern manner on 256megs of RAM I'm sorry to say.

It's not even great for driving a Webcam.

No - its not just a toy - its a small compact computer. As such you can do just about anything with it.
256 M Ram was quite common on a lot of usable low end android devices.
It might not run badly written bloatware but the CPU is around 1000 times more powerful than the old DEC machine I used to use with 20 other engineers and 130 secretaries on 1 meg of ram. And its got a gpu too....

Tom te tom te tom

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