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On 11/01/12 12:43, Julian Hall wrote:
The ECDL is for secretaries (not to disparage secretaries) but it teaches you how to do 19thC office things with a computer not anything to do with software design.On 11/01/2012 09:09, Gordon Henderson wrote:I'd like to see a GCSE and/or A Level course run along similar lines to my initial HND (I did the two years then topped up with a further year to a BSc as the degree course first two years was identical).Perhaps there is hope after all: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-16493929 GordonCombined Programming/Network/Multimedia in the first year, with bits of business and legal (which could be dropped with the assumption they're going to learn that later anyway).Second year pick a speciality from the three and complete GCSE with qualification in Computing with Multimedia/Networking/Programming. Or just teach all three to give a rounded grounding in general IT.I also totally agree with the comment that you need lecturers with real world experience, or at least teaching use of tools the industry actually is using. The current broken ICT curriculum sounds more like a modified ECDL which is a terrible idea from start to finish (not the ECDL itself, but copying it).Julian
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