Happy New Year, y'all. It's great to see Linux getting more exposure. However, I feel that the latest iteration of Ubuntu, Ocelot (11.10) is not the best advert for it. It seems significantly slower than Narwhal, 11.04, so I've gone back to that (and you can't get rid of Unity in Ocelot, not a feature I like). This is a shame as no doubt there are improvements in Ocelot. It has got me thinking, though, what is the best desktop for bog standard use? Not enterprise, industry, A/V or anything, just yer quotidian all rounder. I looked at Mint, looks ok, Fedora, I heard it's unstable and enterprise oriented, and OpenSuse. What do LuG members recommend?
Your thoughts welcomed and appreciated.
Cheers. Jack.
Tue, 3 Jan 2012 12:43:37 +0000
From: entu.windsword@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [LUG] cracking advert for linux
this warms the cockles of your heart.
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