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Re: [LUG] TV as a monitor


On 14/12/11 12:35, Jason Witcher wrote:
> I just googled it and this TV is HD ready rather than full HD - max
> resolution is apparently 1366 x 768 (which over 26" will be very pixelly).
> I'm using a 24" TV as a monitor, but mine is full HD so I get 1920x1080.
> Jason


1366x768 on a 26" screen is going to be horrible - viewing crappy OTA
broadcast quality from the other side of the room might be bearable, but
sat right in front of it using it as a computer monitor is not going to
be a pleasant experience. I sit in front of a 24" 1080p monitor all day
and any resolution below native 1920x1080 looks like hell on it.



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