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Re: [LUG] VirtualBox version


Further to my last email. I have researched further and I find that my
version 74727 is the most recent one for my distro, Maverick. So I have
removed the OSE version and installed the new version 4. As you said my
previous VM's were found, no problem. Because I use Ext4 there was a
warning about the cache, suggesting that I should enable the I/O cache
permanently, which I have done. I do like the new version, thanks for
the recommendation. All I have to do now is to find our how to install
the extension pack. Is that the same as the guest additions? Thanks
again Neil

Just grab it from here:


It's the same file for any host OS and you install it either through the
preferences pane or just by dragging it and dropping it into the main
GUI. It differs from the guest additions in that it's applied on the
host, and adds some extra functionality (PXE, USB passthrough, etc) to
all of the VMs you have. Annoyingly it doesn't update via the repos
though so watch out for it when updating the main VirtualBox package:
you'll have to manually grab and install the new extension pack every time.

It seems that Ubuntu are pretty quick on rolling the latest version into
their repos but I would still get the latest version directly from
Oracle - you don't need to manually install a deb, they have their own
VirtualBox repo hosted there. In short, add this to

deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian maverick contrib

Get the signing key:

wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc
-O- | sudo apt-key add -


sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.1

Job done. Happy virtualising (don't forget to give KVM a spin though,
it's even better - just don't try and use both at the same time).



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