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Re: [LUG] Penzance School spends £300,000 on an iPad for every pupil -SFD AND DFD


On 04/11/11 14:52, Martin Gautier wrote:
>>> IT CAN be a panacea and a holy grail. I would personally say that it
>>> will, in the long term, replace a huge amount of the current
>>> teaching experience.
>>> Currently it is being used by the deluded/dishonest* and/or greedy
>>> to try and foist proprietary wares on people to generate revenue
>>> streams.
>>> As a teacher make your lessons HTML and sharealike them so other
>>> teachers and students can use them, share them and improve them. If
>>> we can get teachers to share lessons rather than every teacher
>>> spending their lives preparing the (nearly) identical lessons that
>>> every other teacher is preparing then perhaps teachers can get
>>> around to teaching.
> Actually there are lots of free online resources and lesson planning
> sharing sites around. There are even CMSs available to facilitate this
> (Moodle). There are also whole schemes of work covering the whole
> curriculum available (for a price). Some of those I've seen are pretty
> reusable (Word/Excel etc).
>>> If we continue to make it easy for companies to introduce these
>>> toxic methods into schools we'll keep going backwards.
>>> Tom te tom te tom
> If we're going to get into the realms of reusability, structured
> writing and content over style, I'd rather see modular training
> produced using XML rather than HTML. Something like the Docbook schema
> (and there are others) fits very well. I really can't see teachers
> writing in this way at all though - trainers? Maybe, not teachers
> though. The best we'll get from teachers is a Word document. They've
> got better things to do with their scarce free time.
> Martin
If as a lug we are serious about DOING something perhaps in 2012 we can
actually get together and do something on document freedom day and
software freedom day.

I am happy to do my bit but NO ONE on this list seems to have the time
or inclination to actually do very much (well moan a lot) a few do have
the desire but feel there is no point without backup from the lug.

if we want to do something we need to say right Saturday September xx
2012 is software freedom day,  we will commit, tell family / friends /
colleagues you are BUSY on that day,  (ok if there are serious family
matters that is fine) but for most people visiting family or having
family down or other excuses can be delayed,  commit to the day,  I am
committed to rugby on saturdays I can hand over the job to someone else
on that day if we have some thing arranged.  

we need funds as at present the lug has 15 quid if that, held by me,  it
won't do for anything. 

I would propose if the list is still going that the Open devon list be
used to plan,  Gordon is the list still going)  that way it stays focussed.

Ideas anyone, I am not willing to do this alone, but am willing to help. 




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