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Re: [LUG] Ubuntu 11.10... ?


I have just tried that alt-tab and it gives a sort of window in the middle as long as I keep my fingers on them. don't quite see how it is used but then it is some time since I used MsWindows and then I couldn't afford to BUY anything later than 98se:

The Alt-Tab key combination is used by pressing the Alt and Tab key together. This will pull up a visual list of all the current applications on your desktop. While holding the Alt key down, you can press the Tab key to select the window you want brought to the forefront.
Now I have an added irritation, as if I leave my computer for a period it not only closes down (good) but it logs me out and I have to re-enter my password. When I used MsWindows I didn't even need to log on! Is there any way I can switch off this logging out when the computer sleeps?

What's happening is that your computer is locking itself when the screensaver kicks in. To change this, in System Settings (accessible from either the Dash menu or the little gear icon at the top-right of the screen), select "Screen". Move the "Lock" toggle to off.
Oh, also when is Libre Office going to be able, 'by find and replace'Â to edit out paragraph spaces and those non-something line breaks that we find in e-mails and some web pages when I copy and paste? One could do this in MsWord: well there must have been something good about microsoft! Or is there some other way of doing it? ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ

I'm going to say the answer is probably, but I'm not too sure what it is you're trying to do. I'm guessing you're referring to Microsoft's "Copy text only" feature to eliminate formatting after pasting text? You can do that by selecting the text you want to remove the formatting from and pressing Ctrl-M. Or did you mean something else?
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