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Re: [LUG] Linux on the Desktop - again ..


On Wed, 28 Sep 2011, Adrian Midgley wrote:

On 28 September 2011 16:00, Gordon Henderson <gordon+dcglug@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

That's what we have here - however we did eventually manage to resolve the
I found a program online that I downloaded and ran which took in the .docx
file and sanitised it enough for openoffice to read. It appeared to be a
common issue to do with the .docx creator using some plugin to manage page
footers that wasn't compatable with the version of OOo shipped with Debian
6. (common to people using that plugin that is)

Try putting such things in Google Docs?
Try using standards based systems... However that document was produced by a
local authority, so the hell will probably freeze over before either they
use google docs or adopt open standards.
No, I mean having received such a file, put it on Google Docs to look
at it.  I do not expect that it will crash the Googleplex.
An intersting idea...


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