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Re: [LUG] Trading and IT.


On Thu, 2011-09-15 at 13:14 +0100, Henry Bremridge wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 10:36:29AM +0100, tom wrote:
> > The idea is to get trades in as fast as possible when the price is
> > right - a trade will of course adjust the price so if your late
> > buying the price will have gone up and down when selling. 
> The trick apparently is that if someone wants to buy then you are first to
> offer to sell first (and v/v). I leave aside the technical aspects of
> withdrawing trades (ie offer a trade and then withdraw it before a client
> takes it up) and black pools etc
Sounds like Ebay bidding to me

Perhaps the future hedge fund managlers will be Ebay addicts



Kevin Lucas
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