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[LUG] pci_request_regions erring out


Hi All,

 I am currently working on the realtek driver available in http://linuxgazette.net/156/jangir.html.

 When I run the driver, pci_request_regions is erring out as :
Device enabled
Base 0  Starting Address = 9c00 End Address = 9cff  Length = 256
This Port is I/O mapped. It is NON Prefetchable.This is readable and writable.
Base 0 starting Address = 9c00  End Address = 9cff Length = 256 resource is not available
Base 1  Starting Address = fdaff000 End Address = fdaff0ff  Length = 256
This Port is Memory mapped. It is NON Prefetchable. This is readable and writable.
Reading the PCI BAR registers
Checking the PCI BAR registers for Memory mapped flag
Calling pci_request_region
8139too 0000:04:03.0: BAR 0: can't reserve I/O region [0x9c00-0x9cff]
Could not get PCI region
sys_init_module: 'real3'->init suspiciously returned 1, it should follow 0/-E convention
sys_init_module: loading module anyway...

I am attaching the driver code. Any clues as to why?

Thanks & Regards,

Attachment: real3.c
Description: Text document

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