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Re: [LUG] Multi Head Linux based system


On Fri, 2011-08-26 at 17:09 +0100, tom wrote:
On 26/08/11 16:40, Joe Buckle wrote:
> Hello lovely people.
> I wondered if anyone would be able to tell me where I can find a
> retailer that would sell a complete multi-head (multi-monitor) up to 4,
> with Linux pre installed (preferably Ubuntu, but if you feel another
> distro would handle this better then I'll take that advice on board).
> Failing that - would anyone know where to start looking to build a
> system, and the software I would need in order to make it work. Just a
> poke in the right direction will do :)
> Thanks in advance
> Joe
What do you want it for?
You can use 4 separate machines and link them under the control of one 
mouse/keyboard setup with http://synergy-foss.org/ which may prove a lot 
more flexible in the long term...
Tom te tom te tom

this would do the trick

Has linux support and 4 heads if the price doesn't put you off (£450)

I would keep to a 32 bit OS to start


Regards Kevin Lucas Minions Post Master(Sub) sip:kevin.lucas@xxxxxxxxx www.minionsbandb.co.uk www.tearooms.minionsbandb.co.uk FaceBook Minions_shop Po House, Minions, Liskeard Cornwall PL14 5LE 01579363386
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