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Re: [LUG] SOS re OSs


Old laptop running happily in Debian 6 (32bit) and even managed to get 2 printers working - small HP mono laser and Samsung ink do-everything!
Have a good day,
Grandad Bee.

--- On Mon, 22/8/11, Rhia Knowles <rhiadratech@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: Rhia Knowles <rhiadratech@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [LUG] SOS re OSs
To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Monday, 22 August, 2011, 16:43

Grandad bee,
More likely you have an intel i915 graphics chip in your laptop, which
is funky in most distros.
I have this one and it caused freezing issues on my laptop in ubuntu
and Mint until i found the fix.
Its something about kernel mode setting and this chip not being 100%
capable of it.
If you want to try it again, boot it up from cd, but before you choose
Mint/Ubuntu on the menu press whatever the menu says is the edit
option and add 'i915.modeset=0' after 'ro' then boot (this works both
on both Syslinux and GRUB entries)

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