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Re: [LUG] flyer


On 26/06/11 19:07, Paul Sutton wrote:

I installed OpenOffice at one of the schools I provide support for (I
install OpenOffice/Libre Office at every school I support along with
several other open source apps) - this particular school then requested
that I install the latest verion of MS Office (2010 Pro Plus) as 'people
cannot get along with it (OpenOffice)'.  Problems tend to mainly be the
handling of images in documents between the two suites, or rather, the
lack of it. Simple documents work well between the  two suites but
insert images etc, sounds etc and then you would think the world had ended!

I blame the likes of MS, Lotus et al for adding the fuctionality of
adding sounds, images and the like into the word processor....


Agreed, even though you can put sounds in documents in Open office,  who
were unable to get on with it,  the Students or teachers.

Is it possible to have both installed ?


Hang on, why would anyone want to put sounds into a WORD PROCESSOR document?

Seems a bit odd to me, it's not as if the printer can print them :-P


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