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Hi Further to my reply on the survey thread, The BBC news this morning ran another report on how cost of fuel, food, gas etc is going up and will get worse. hitting poor families and everyone harder. To this end perhaps a flyer should reflect this, I am crap at wording etc so how does the following sound. Can someone perhaps make a flyer from what we come up with. ---- With the rising cost of fuel, food etc families are being hit harder, families with school age children are also being hit in the pocket with the demands they purchase software which, in this economic climate and even taking student discounts in to account, can possible mean the difference between a hot meal or a piece of software. Free software may be able to help here, free software is not only free as in cost but you are also free to install on unlimited computers and give to all your friends, if your home has 1 or 10+. There are free software packages for nearly every need, so if you need a replace ment for MS office you can use open office which uses open standard file formats but is also compatible with MS office. there are replacements for MS outlook int he form of Thunderbird with an extension called lightning to provide calender faculties, for browsing you can use Firefox or chrome both of which can offer improvements in security and performance over MS office. Plus a lot more You can also get support from your local linux user group who are happy to not only help with Linux related issues, but also support free software also runs on windows. --- ok what is above probably sounds crap can someone take the above and get a flyer from it. to get the main points across Paul -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq