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On 22/06/11 22:39, Grant Sewell wrote: > > As someone on my Twitter feed said: > "Downside of faster release cycle is that reviews are kind of lame. > Firefox 5: now with the DNT checkbox in a different place. SO EXCITING." > > It made me chuckle. Rather cynical though, a lot of work went on behind the scenes, it has overtaken Chrome on various JS benchmarks, and they've fixes a whole load of crashes (which is good, I had it crash on me yesterday - although I was poking around developer.mozilla.org at the time, so perhaps that isn't the fairest of tests). Although the CSS3 feature I most wanted this week is still missing (text-overflow: ellipsis), which is planned for version 7, so I welcome our new accelerated release cycle. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=312156 In other news I've been using Chrome at work all week, partly because I'm suppose to be fixing all the Chrome issues in our main application. I'm getting use to it's idiosyncrasies, and I look forward to when Google finish writing it and it is ready for a proper release ;) No seriously, I keep finding things Chrome can't do, or can't do easily. Accidentally clicked on "never remember passwords for this site" and ... urm ... yes they haven't written a GUI for undoing that yet. I wanted to refresh a thumbnail (urm, you have to either wipe .config/google-chrome or fire up sqllite and decipher the relevant file) okay that probably isn't a common use case. Don't get me wrong, I'm growing to like it, and the performance is good, although what do those PDF viewer icons mean? Hover over them to see - no pop-up text. At least the Linux version will behave much like a proper application in terms of Window decoration etc. Eventually who knows Webkit might get the security issue rate down to a level the Debian security teams can handle. Simon -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq