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On 19/06/11 09:14, Neil Winchurst wrote:
Currently my daughter shares my desktop computer. She has been offered a laptop, about five years old, which is running XP at the moment, but with some error messages.IIRC when I tried to load a 64 bit xUbu it informed me that it wouldnt work on a 32 bit machine. If it works fine then you can carry on!I have a CD with Xubuntu 64 bit on it and I am considering putting this on the laptop for her. This distro would do fine for her as she just does a bit of emailing and web browsing.What I am wondering is, can I assume that the laptop is 64 bit? And is there an easy way to check this? For example, the Xubuntu download is a 'live CD' so I could try running it on the laptop. If it works fine can I take it that it would run OK once installed?Any help much appreciated, thanks Neil Winchurst
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