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Hi everybody,
I'd like to introduce myself; I'm Jack, a recent convert to the delights of all that is Linux. I'm a former IT trainer and I currently work in the IT dept. of the main hospital in Exeter. Looking at the last few day's postings, it seems that the DCGLUG is replete with Linux experts! So it seems unlikely that I'll be able to offer any advice at this stage, but I'm sure to have plenty of questions! I'm currently studying for the CompTIA Linux+ exam with the OU (and a fat Sybex book...).
I've recently installed Ub 11.04 on my desktop, very nice, and Lubuntu on my little Eee netbook - seems quite good so far. (I use Chrome for added speed and I like that you can get Webmail ad blocker, Dictionary Tooltip and Xmarks extensions on Chrome as well as FF.) I also put Ubuntu onto my old PC, about 7 years old, 1Gb of RAM and a 2.4 single core processor; I was amazed to see the CTI (cold to internet) time drop from about 7 minutes to about 55 seconds! Smashing. I will be experimenting with WINE soon, so I can try Spotify.
What I like about Linux is the highly political open source aspect (hurray) and the potential for lower energy requirements, which is nice and green (and that it's free). Although our society is more or less entirely IT dependent, little is said about the environmental impact and in the light of Germany's intention to phase out nuclear power, for example, the proliferation of alternate energy sources and the highly likely global warming, I think it's extremely important that our IT activities are accountable. Innit. Having said this, it's rare to see any steps being taken to encourage people to reduce their energy use generally, e.g. devices in standby, devices left on when not in use, chargers left on, etc., etc. Anyway, I bang on.
Regarding keyboard shortcuts; I always recommend them, if only to reduce the risk of RSI. I have a trackball at home, but that's still only a partial solution, especially considering the amount of time I spend on the PC. I also use the mouse or trackball with my left hand occasionally.
I hope to attend some of your meetings in the future. :-D.
Jack, Budleigh Salterton.
Welcome to the group.
Viv (Moretonhampstead)
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