You might be getting confused. WLAN stands for wireless LAN, WWAN (not WWLAN) stands for wireless WAN, which uses a mobile network to get internet access (like a mobile broadband dongle but built in to the machine).
Some laptops don't have all the antenna cables for WLAN and WWAN at the same time - some manufacturers sell their laptops as "WWAN ready", which means they've installed the antennas and you buy the card and install it. Others won't put the WWAN (3G) antennas in unless you bought the WWAN option when you bought the laptop. So unless you want mobile internet access there's no point buying and installing the parts (as you would probably need to take the screen apart to put the WWAN antenna in).
...hold on! So this maens that even if I configure the WAN card I still won't be able to connect to Broadband because I'll ne a 3 mobile contract or something similar /