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[LUG] setting up RAID



We are trying to set up Raid at the lighthouse. we have a server (the rack one ) that has 2x80 gb cards in and a raid card

is anyone available on friday to help us with this, please I should be around during the afternoon.

2. if there is a 2 disk raid system should the first disk have a dedicated /boot partition,

Ubuntu offers a cloud server which means that people can i guess log in to the system from anywhere, so if they are at the lighthouse from there but when they are at home they can equally log in from home and work on files etc

I don't really understand all this,

If you can help but have some alternative distribution that will do the same job or can set up something other than a cloud system but that can offer the same functions please bring any disks

it would be nice to have a server up and running so we have a central location to save stuff too etc

thanks for any help


Paul Sutton Cert SLPS (Open)

17th September 2011 - Software freedom day

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