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[LUG] Proprietary Tie-ins


Some of you may remember that I work in a Secondary school - not in ICT thankfully.

Today I received our BTEC subject Assessment materials on CD-ROM and the 
requirements read like a who's-who of computer fascism:

OS: this disc will only work on a PC running Windows XP SP3 or better. It WILL not 
run on MAC OSX.

Required: MS Office 2003 or better, Adobe Reader 8 or better, IE7 or better, Firefox 

Without these requirements, the disc is a £200 coaster.

Edexcel produce the BTEC resources as part of the Pearson group.

So although it'll install through WINE, you can't actually read any of the documents 
without installing the items previously mentioned. Nice.

World domination, just another (depressing) step closer for M$ and adooby-dooby-do.

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