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Re: [LUG] OT: Chrome Books - opinions...?


On Sat, 14 May 2011, Simon Waters wrote:

On 14/05/11 18:19, tom wrote:
representation that 90% (why always 90%?...) of the last 20 years of
computing effort can be ignored and we can advance electronic
communications to the level they were 20 years ago but some (rich)
idiots thought they'd make a killing selling us a victorian solution to
a problem they made themselves.
And even if you give up and email them a PDF document with your invoice
and bank account details with a request to be paid by bank transfer,
hoping merely to avoid the needless waste of paper and energy in moving
information and money around, they still send you a cheque by post to
the wrong payee, so three physical letters and a trip to the bank later.....
Ugh. I get this all the time. I hate people sending me cheques, but some 
people are just so old-fashioned.. The usual excuse is that is has to be 
signed by 2 people... I don't have a bank in the town I live in, so I need 
to drive to Ashburton or Newton Abbot, or use the weekly Nat West Bank Bus 
service (which now only stops for half an hour on Tuesedays )-:
I wish I could afford direct debit, but my bank won't give me the 
facilities (well, they will, but I need to lodge £12K in an escrow account 
first), or I can use an external processor, but the fees involves vs. the 
number of customers who I could persuade to use direct debit wouldn't make 
it worth it )-:
People are locked into old habits, it will take at least one generation....
Indeed. Fortunately more and more people are not accepting cheques 
anymore, so hopefully soon I'll be able to reject cheques from the small 
number of customers who still insist on sending them...
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