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On Wed, 11 May 2011, Neil Winchurst wrote:
There have been a lot of emails about Skype recently. I have relations in Australia and California who use some system whereby they can talk to family over here and also see each other on the screen. As you can tell I do not know much about it.
They're probably using Skype.
I have heard of Skype and Ekiga. I also heard on the news last night that MS has just bought Skype. That has put me right off Skype.Anyway, is it all a lot of work/expense and is it worth the bother at the end please?Does anyone have any suggestions etc.?
Use Skype.I know it's now (or will be) MS, but realistically and as hateful as that might make it, there's nothing else (for the price, ie. free) that will work as good as it does.
Gordon -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq