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Re: [LUG] ubuntu 11.04 transitions


On 09/05/11 13:05, Peter M Le Mare wrote:
> That is something I thought of asking - but how do I do that, install
> both interfaces? sorry if I sound stupid and naive.
> Life, love, peace and freedom
> Pete (Le M)

if you have the space you dual boot the system so you have say 10.04 (or
current linux) dual booting with say 11.04 which is what you want to try
out / migrate to.  You then reboot and switch between the two,

this of course is fine if you have lots of disk space,  but i did this
for a few years with windows + Linux before dumping windows.

You can generally mount all the file systems, so if you need to move
stuff across, however I find I mess up on permissions sometimes,  not
sure what happens if you have 1 /home partition and keep the same user

perhaps otherws here can offer a more technical insight in to this,

when you are happy and have fully migrated you can set which ever system
as the default (not sure how off hand)

I am not sure how this would work if using 2 differnt distributions
other than say ubuntu and ubuntu,  if it works with ubuntu and suse for
example,  what happens if each use a different boot loader (grub, grub2,
lilo, and someone mentions syslinux (is that a boot loader)

hope this helps


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