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Re: [LUG] OT: Steganography - hiding data in plain sight; An alternative to encryption?


On Mon, 9 May 2011, Roland Tarver wrote:

On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 9:58 PM, Gordon Henderson
<gordon+dcglug@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sun, 8 May 2011, Roland Tarver wrote:


Sorry about the long URL.
You can always use the various shorteners... e.g.

I was not aware of their existence until now ....... although I have
clicked on many shortened links hmmm .... :-s

After a google there appears to be loads. Can you recommend one please?
If you're a fan of google, theres:


One of the earlier ones:




and well ... lots more. Whether you trust them to be about in a years time is anyones guess... Which is why I run my own.
Some put their own tracking system in-place and let you see how many 
people clicked through - some then load the target web page in a frame 
with their control bar on-top. I dislike these.
I implemented an open-source one: http://lilurl.sourceforge.net/ which is 
here: http://url.drogon.net/
It's not "tiny" but it's handy for me and will probably be about for as 
long as I'm about, but no guarantees :)
This isn't news though - first reported a couple of weeks ago:
I was not really posting it as "news" - merely a topic of potential interest :-)

Are postings like this appropriate for this list? Or are most folks
here scanning the various floss sites regularly in any case? I have
perhaps 25 RSS feeds to keep me going! lol. I don't read them all
mind. A few people seem to have found it interesting........
Who knows. Makes a change from the usual ubluntoo rubbish...


but the original paper is about a year old..




An open source project into Steganography - hiding information in
"plain sight". Might be of interest....
It's interesting, but not that it only works on FAT32 filesystems and simple
operations like defragging the disk will lose the data...
hmmm that's less good.
It always pays to read the fine article :)

Whilst I am interested in it and I do use gnuPG from time to time, I
don't have that much to hide.... Perhaps the actual value of my
(negative!) bank balance and the odd photo of me as a baby! lol ....
It depends on who you want to hide stuff from - and why. I'm geting 
irritated by the amount of data on me (& others) that "leaks" out - e.g. 
location data if I was carrying an iPhone or Android and forgot to turn it 
off, and these click-throughs some of which are storing your information 
as well as the sites youre visiting, not to mention the trackers that are 
attached to website these days...
Oh well..

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