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Re: [LUG] If you don't Vote, you can't whinge..


 On 05/05/2011 09:20, Neil Winchurst wrote:
Gordon Henderson wrote:

So please get out and vote!

(Voting Yes to AV)

Referring to normal elections, that is nonsense. If I vote for A, who gets in then I mustn't whinge about him whatever he does. If one of the others get is I can whinge about him since I didn't vote for him.

However, if I don't vote at all I can whinge about any of them. This idea that if you don't vote you can't whinge is rubbish.


Not really because if you did nothing to prevent someone you don't like getting into power, what possible basis can you have for complaining they got in? That's like having a completely open border with no defences or controls and then complaining because the neighbouring country invaded you.


(Voting Yes to AV)

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