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[LUG] Scribus - I think I'm winning the battle...


So after spending most of yesterday playing with it, google, wiki, etc. going through all your comments and so on, I'm now at the point where I can actually put together a few pages of something similar to what my wife wants to produce using publisher - and I got her to use it again and we went through some things.

Simply forwarding comments you've made to my wife doesn't actually seem to work. It seems that when things are sufficiently different to what she's used to, then confusion ensues - and I suspect this is true for most people.

Everything is (of-course) easy - when you know how! So we've mastered image rotation, typing text directly into boxes, putting boxes round things, even getting text to flow around a curve (although drawing the curve still remains something of a challenge)

Lack of good clip-art is a hindrance, but I downloaded 1.5GB of stuff from OpenClipart.org last night (eventually - wget -c to the rescue) however it's not in a terribly sensible format (ie. it's arranged by author, not subject/item!) - so we imported it into Openoffice, then we can use the gallery viewer there to find something suitable and then enter the filename into Scribus - sadly, dragging & dropping or copy&paste didn't seem to work between OO and Scribus...

Still have the problem of her PC crashing when trying to do text flowing round curves in Scribus, and due to some Internet issues I had last night, forgot to run memtest on it...

So there's progress at least and if I can save £120 of her redundancy money, then I will!

(Although I'm now annoyed that I've filled up my brain with stuff I'll never use!!!)


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