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Re: [LUG] next paignton meeting and facebook


On 01/05/11 19:51, Michael Dorrington wrote:
Paul Sutton wrote:

I have created a facebook event page thing for the next Paignton meeting
the link should be

I recommend reading this article about Facebook:

Manchester Free Software is no longer using Facebook for its activities:

If you don't understand the problem then watch this (730MB):

Manchester Free Software Chair.

ok this is fine,  however like with windows there are millions of users 
of facebook so we have
facebook - millions of users everyone has heard of it
diaspora - hardly any, and no one has heard of it

windows - millions of users everyone has heard of it
linux and related - lots of users and people don't really know about it

how are we meant to reach out the majority and get them to lug meets, here in torbay is really hard to get the word out, and i am struggling to promote anything,
we need to embrace what everyone uses so that we can perhaps find a way 
to promote the alternatives,  i have signed up to diaspora and am 
awaiting a invite, i have probably missed something in doing so, but 
facebook is easy to sign up to,  diaspora is not even ready yet.,
a sort of conundrum, which i lack the expertise to get round,


Paul Sutton Cert SLPS (Open)

17th September 2011 - Software freedom day

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