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Re: [LUG] Bored rant


That gives them something to think about. Yes, Windows and Linux are ultimately about working with computers but they are work differently and both need time and effort to learn. Either way the move will need some willingness to learn new skills.


agreed, people on here have said users have complained when they have had to move from say word 2000 to word 2003,l I can understand a move to word 2007 as the interface is different,

if you do ecdl or look at these, you arfe taught a specific package how to do x how to do y, on that package, so you are not taught how to think and how to apply that knowledge to other packages.

this is probably due to if I taught you how to think you would not need to do another course just for a more recent version of the software, and training companies would lose revenue.

oddly if i teach you to drive a car i teach you the underpinning knowledge, so how to combine clutch, accelerator etc and drive the car you then apply this to any car you are then faced with, and even if you move to automatic, you work out how to drive the car and adapt.

if we look at schools you are almost groomed to pass exams, i remember a few years ago helping at a local primary school i must have photocoped hundreds of past exam papers so the children could practice practice etc, so rather than learning they learn xyz as they need to know xyz to pass the exam,. rather than developing a broad understanding of the subject,.

ok its not all like that,  but people are given the impression it is.

i also agree, people want things to be fun, (maybe thats due to the above) but schools have to cater for the bright and those at the other end, so someone somewhere loses out, bright kids want to be stretched, where as others need to be enguaged differently however.

education should be fun, but at the same time they need to learn the less fun theory bits which is less fun to learn but essential

i think we therefore are teaching people how to pass exams giving the right knowledge to pass but not teaching people to think, hence they can't cope with change,


Paul Sutton Cert SLPS (Open)

17th September 2011 - Software freedom day

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