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Re: [LUG] Scanning slides


tom wrote:
On 29/04/11 08:36, Neil Winchurst wrote:
Adrian Midgley wrote:
You can rephotograph them

The slide holder goes on the front of a lens, and you get good
resolution quickly.

http://www.srbfilm.co.uk/ make them

I had thought of that, but three problems. A slide copier can be as
expensive as a scanner. I am not sure that I can get one to fit my
Canon camera. I wish to scan other items not just slides.

Thanks anyway


Slides is very high definition compared to your ordinary scanner you
want at least 4096 dpi to do them justice - take a few of your best
along to a shop that will demo a scanned and look very closely at the
images taken, and then look at the slide under a microscope - or blown
up to 8' or larger and compare.
Then see if you can borrow a camera adapter(and camera) - after all
you’re not going to be using it once you've finished this lot. A local
photo group may help...Or buy one and rent it out..
Tom te tom te tom

OK. I will look at my camera online to see if I can get a slide holder for it. I bet it will be expensive though.

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