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Re: [LUG] OT: Webcam with Microsoft Windows 7 64 bit driver


On 23/04/2011 08:28, Simon Waters wrote:
Plugged it in, fiddled, and discovered my Dad's "free" webcam doesn't
have a driver for 64 bit Windows 7 systems. On the upside the microphone
worked surprisingly well, and I did find a report that the webcam works
under Linux.

At this point I'd usually grab the source code for the 32bit driver and
see if it compiles, and if the issues are simple fix them, but this is
Windows so.....

Anyone recommend a good Webcam for 64 bit Windows 7 for which the
drivers are already included or autoinstall? Built in microphone a
bonus, but I have a reasonable one I can send anyway.

Free webcam for the right recommendation ;

I  have installed a few of these:


Win 7 supported out box and... they give decent output - several schools I support use them on winXp/win7 with animation software (Zu3D, IcanAnimate etc)

They can be bought on Amazon and ebay.


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