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Re: [LUG] OT: SDHC cards not recognized any more
- To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [LUG] OT: SDHC cards not recognized any more
- From: Martijn Grooten <sweetwatergeek@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2011 20:10:43 +0100
- Delivered-to: dclug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:mime-version:in-reply-to:references:from:date :message-id:subject:to:content-type; bh=Yt4kg9R79dExXm5SwmFp34Jsk4lj1c4MBeNzIrVbRdY=; b=NaykB/D9lvlQmb2nHuIN+ffqA1t57bSfIPS+78j+v7AsJ61F3VwkF1efjWuGQzJLqd EdgwfT8G0gZNHd8SWyKDWVAxLSfbRPSn+2BfxXw6BliexyeJcz9XFoxJOBJDcnMCHUXy JqMDaogKhzvr5hTWc3URleR1JZ36liHsNln/4=
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Kevin Lucas wrote:
> Perhaps it is Bios but lsusb from the terminal ( with the SDHC in ) and
> mount or df -h outputs may point you in the right place.
Had tried df which didn't list it, but hadn't thought of lsusb. Was
worth giving a try, but didn't list it either. Looks like the reader
and the motherboard aren't connected.
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