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Hi all, I am John TheBudda Jenkins. New member to LUG. I am 53 years old, live in Bideford born in Eastend of London (Cockeny) . I have been a windows man most of my life. I always wanted to get into Linux, tried few times but didn't have the time to learn. Until I meet Funky aka Marco Paniagua on IRC in 2009. Funky is from Holland, an IT Linux administrator with over 10 years experience. He is a friend! Funky made my radio station for me purely out of him being such a great man & friendship, We both have irc, he as his own radio station as well. Funky is a full Linux man! what I mean by that is, ask him to configure something for windows and he gets the hump lol with Funky it has to be Linux!(http://www.paniagua.nl) My radio station is XTC Radio UK Hard Dance Underground (www.xtcradio.co.uk) the Drum & Bass / Reggae is from funky`s radio station. My Radio runs on donations and events that I put on with the XTC Crew. We do this for the love of Music and the Freedom To Party! Funky has been teaching me over the last 6months but the time now has come for me to learn Linux myself and try some how to get on Funky`s level, well at least a bit near him ;) and the best way I feel is with a group like this! :) I really wanted to be at the Exwick community center on Saturday. but I could not make it, next time! Marco can not be there all for time for me because of his work duty's. I also feel that its not right to put things like this on him! Time has come for me to learn Linux! I have run openSUSE 11.3 and love it. openSUSE is the one for desktops for me. This was on a duel boot laptop running Win7 & openSUSE. I gave my Daughter my PC for her college work. I am looking to buy some parts to build an Linux home server in the next few months. I have had a chat with Grant Sewell who put in touch with Viv from Dartmoor IT but Viv cannot help. I was told by Viv to talk to Gordon. Hi Gordon if you are there pls email me. I have emailed Grant Sewell again tonight asking if he can give me some 1on1 Linux training in the summer. I am looking to find someone that can help me run my dedi server when Funky is away for my radio station, and give me training at the same time. My server is running CentOS! This will be changed to Debian on the 05.04.2011, well I am not, Funky is :) I am now back on windows while we install Debian. When I can build my home server then I will be on Linux full time. The laptop is used and runs windows for live streaming software which is Virtual DJ & Simplecast, I am looking into http://www.mixxx.org/ Linux software to do that job soon, then the lappy will be Linux as well :) My work at ASDA Bideford will be coming to an end within 6months, due to health problems which I got from a truck crash on the M5 in April 2007. I was a international truck driver for 15 years! I am going to try and get Funky to come and say hello to all in the irc channel very soon I will give you a date for that! I have meet only an hand full in the irc channel but hope over the nest few months I get to meet more of the club members. I am very happy that I have found this club :) If any one is interested helping me pls contact me My Server! Processor Intel Xeon i7 W3520 4x 2.66+ GHz 8 Mb L2 - QPI 4.8 GT/sec Virtualisation: VT Instructions Turbo Boost Technology @ 2.93GHz architecture 64 bits RAM 12 GB DDR3 Hard disk 2x 1500 GB - SATA2 Network SwitchPort: 1 Gbps Guaranteed bandwidth: 1 Gbps Kind regards John aka Budda |
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