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Re: [LUG] Linux Mint 10 KDE


Brad Rogers wrote:
On Sun, 03 Apr 2011 09:34:58 +0100
Neil Winchurst<barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

Hello Neil,

In Mint I can right click on a menu item and choose Add to desktop.
Easy. But I cannot find a way to set up a launcher icon for something
that does not appear in the menus. Right click on the desktop does not
offer 'New' at all. So more research.
Top item, "Create New..." The look for "Link to application"

I have found out that I can right click on the menu button, bottom left of screen, and choose to switch to the old style of menu. Now I am happy with it and I can now get the choices that I expected when I right click on the desk top.
Secondly, extra desktops. In Hardy I can easily have several desktops
which I access via Ctrl-F1, Ctrl-F2 etc. And I can have a different
background colour for each one. In Mint I see references to virtual
desktops??? I am still trying to get to grips with that. There does
not seem to be the equivalent to the Hardy system.
I have now sussed that out. I can see the various desk tops via 
ctrl-F8 or using the ctrl-F1 etc set.
In "Settings" ->  System Settings, General tab.  Look&  Feel / Desktop
second item Multiple Desktops is where the number of desktops is set.
Different colours / backgrounds per desktop are set by right clicking on
the desktop and and choosing "Folder View Activity Settings" or
"Desktop Activity Settings" (depending on which view mode you're in).
 From there go to Wallpaper select "Colour" from the top dropdown (shows
colour, image or slideshow), and you're away.
I have tried this and I can indeed change the background colour, but on all the desk tops not just each one. Never mine.

And as a by the way, in Mint I have set it up to switch on the Num
Lock key at log in. It does not seem to work.
KDE has long had issues with Num Lock settings, sadly.  Seems to be
working for me, currently.  However, it wasn't working 6 months ago.
Every KDE update I half expect it to break again.

I am not surprised that I cannot get this to work. Just a minor item.

So my final point is ... I have used Linux for over 10 years now and
Kubuntu (so KDE) for 8 years. Yet I am struggling with this new
version of Mint. We, the group, are trying hard to get people to try
Linux. How much harder will it be for them to go from Windows to any
version of Linux? I know I keep banging on about this, but we will
need to provide a lot of help and hand holding for newbies for a long
The price one pays for choice is that, sometimes, there's too much of
it.   :-(

KDE4 isn't as homogeneous as KDE3 was, IMO.  There's a KDE3 fork called,
err, hang on..... called Trinity that might interest you.

Thanks for your help


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