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On 02/04/11 21:27, Paul Sutton wrote:
On 02/04/11 20:57, Rob Beard wrote:On 02/04/11 19:50, Paul Sutton wrote:Hi Looking at the success of the meeting in exeter on saturday got me thinking and I had a discussion with phil on saturday regarding how we market the lug. Perhaps we should / could market any meetings similar to the EICC meetings as SDICC or south devon internet computer club, that way it will appeal to non techy people and may get more people along. I am NOT suggesting we rename the LUG in fact saturday afternoons we can have a few of us lug / open devon people meet up from say 14:00 then SDICC meets can be from 15:00 that gives us tech people time to catch up / set up before other people arrive, Clearly any website on this can say its run by Lug members, who want to help people with computer issues. Getting people through the door is the hard part, once they are through we can talk about issues (probably going to be with windows) Just a thought Any ideas / Comments. PaulYep, in a way I think this could be a good thing if it gets folks through the door, on the other hand we could leave ourselves open to questions about all sorts including Windows and MacOS X. I do wonder if part of the reason that Rick has got folks through the door is because of the mention he got in the Express& Echo. Maybe if we could get a mention in the Herald Express this might help?could do, perhaps the same article, however calling out selves SDICC may work in that case, Lets discuss this on the list, but we need to appeal to people, I don't really see a problem with OSX users coming along as they are still UNIX based, being a windows support group is not what I want, but if we get people who are frustrated with windows, we can perhaps suggest alternatives :D
Or maybe someone can come up with a funny acronym? :-)To be fair a lot of the Mac owners I know are really smug and don't like to try anything other than Apple stuff (luckily there are one or two who aren't so smug).
I'm not too sure how we'd handle folks with Windows problems. We were lucky in the case at Exwick because their PC was running slow and they wanted to speed it up and I gather Rick put across a good argument for Linux.
Might also help that the Exwick Community Centre is a nice light airy venue with computers and wifi. I know we've been trying to do things at the Lighthouse but it seems like a dark place, possibly off putting to some people with the young people hanging around outside the place. Now don't get me wrong, I know young people tend to get a bad rep, especially the more 'alternative' teens, my eldest step-daughter being one herself).Ok we may be able to meet downstairs at the lighthouse as this is going to be more of a pub type place downstairs with the rock school / dmc stuff upstairs. (will be separate entities by the way) So it should be lighter, plus upstairs we have a proper sound system so could be used too. (lets see what happens) if need be we may be able to move an amp. speaker and mic downstairs and set up so we can do talks, (the kit is there and I have the contacts) we just need to arrange it. I am sure we can find a quiet area to meet in plus its going to be more family friendly so hopefully they will be ok with kids under 14 going in, I will ask Friday when I am in next or over Easter after they open up down stairs properly
Well we could always give it a try, although thinking back to the LUG meetings we had last year at the Lighthouse there was the occasion where the young folks were practicing playing their music (and rather loudly :-D). My god I'm starting to sound like my dad now.
Neil (from the DMC) is going to fix the lighting in the alcove upstairs too, (he also uses Linux) so its more suitable for a computer room, so i will take a look once that is done, btw cabling is hopefully going in Friday, so we should have network ports etc.
That's good, seems like some progress is being made. I might be able to pop over one day over Easter, I'm off for the bank holidays (Easter, Royal Wedding etc). Anyone else interested in maybe meeting up for an hour or two?
This afternoon there were no young people around outside the lighthouse so it may not be an issue as much in the daytime, gigs etc in evenings usually. even then I don't really have problems, its all bad press, lets give em a chance and a break from all this negative stuff.
You don't have to convince me (with 3 teenage step daughters and two who aren't too far off being teenagers themselves) I know kids to get negative publicity.
Plus if we are running Ubuntu / free software upstairs and the young people support that, we at least have that to our advantage they may want to join in with meetings but a lot of places exclude them due to age etc.
Yeah true, I guess there isn't that much for teenagers to do, they're too old for play parks and too young for pubs and clubs. Guess it could keep them amused and keep them out of trouble.
I believe one of the goals Rick has is to encourage the visitors to not only learn how to use a computer (more for the newbies I think), but also to learn programming and things like that. If we could get some folks who are good with design programs (For instance our new member Joe Buckle) or someone who is good at music apps etc then maybe they might find something they're interested in.
I have more issues with old people on mobile scooters who think they own the pavement and want to relive their days as a F1 driver, and show no consideration for others, (so 2 sides of a coin here really). (no offence but they do sometimes drive as if they own the pavement)
It's worse when they get on the roads. Saying that, one of my ex's had a mobility scooter, was great fun.
Oh and I doubt there's THAT many ex-F1 drivers living in Torbay :-) (the smell of raw horse meat would give it away for sure!) Rob -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq