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Re: [LUG] Ebook readers


I  have one of these :


It works OK for me. It is much more than just and e-reader - it plays all sorts of media as well - mp3, mpeg4 etc. Just as an e-reader, it is adequate but, not great. It is hopeless at dealing with PDF's. If you view it more as a cheap, general purpose media player to carry around your media with you that is a jack of all trades but, master of none, then you won't be disappointed.

I originally wanted a Kindle but, changed my mind because Amazon reserve the right to take your DRM e-books that you have paid for back! Amazon allow authors to dictate how many times a book that you have purchased can be downloaded. So, over time, you may buy a newer model and then find that you can't download all the books that you have bought previously. I consider this stealing.

You may want to have a look at this link before buying one :


Grant suggested using a tablet. I agree. Tablets may be more expensive but, they do far more and the e-book reader software he mentioned works really well. And stick with e-pub format and backup your books locally.


On 27 March 2011 22:49, George Parker <georgeparker20@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Has anyone any experience of the kindle or other ebook readers?  Pros & cons, problems, back up methods etc?


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