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Re: [LUG] OT Vodaphone Not so Sure


On Tue, 22 Mar 2011, Peter Lloyd-Jones wrote:


My opinion of Vodaphone support continues to fall!  They tell me the signal
is not getting through and its PlusNets fault,  I wonder if some one could
explain what the stuff below means.  (One Vodaphone chap has said it is
perfect, the other that it is the route of my problems!!)
I'd suggest it's because your Voodoo box is broken. Have you tried it on a 
different ADSL connection. Neighbour, friend, etc?
C:\Documents and Settings\Peter>PathPing
Don't know what PathPing is, but I guess it's traceroute - anyway looks OK 
to the last stop where I presume they have firewalled pings, etc.
I get similar with mtr:

HOST: yakko                       Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1. watertower.drogon.net         0.0%    10    0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.0
  2. lns18.inx.dsl.enta.net        0.0%    10   11.6  13.3  11.1  25.5   4.4
  3. gi1-8.inx.dist.dsl.enta.net   0.0%    10   11.3  11.9  10.8  14.1   1.3
  4. te2-2.interxion.dsl.enta.net  0.0%    10   11.1  11.7  10.9  14.3   1.2
  5. te2-3.interxion.core.enta.ne  0.0%    10   11.1  12.2  10.7  14.4   1.6
  6. te5-1.telehouse-metro.core.e  0.0%    10   11.7  12.4  11.3  15.3   1.2
  7. te3-3.telecity-hex.core.enta  0.0%    10   11.8  13.9  11.2  26.5   4.5
  8. TenGigabitEthernet8-1.ar6.LO  0.0%    10   11.6  12.3  11.3  14.8   1.2
  9. VODAFONE-LTD.TenGigabitEther  0.0%    10   20.7  21.5  20.5  23.8   1.2
 10. ???                          100.0    10    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0


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