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Re: [LUG] Email clients for newbies


On Wed, 9 Mar 2011, Brad Rogers wrote:

On Wed, 9 Mar 2011 17:27:45 +0000
Grant Sewell <dcglug@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Grant,

Any reasons for this sentiment?
Because webmail encourages everything that's done wrong in email;

top posting, over quoting of previous text, use of html.

Then there are the issues regarding threading (reference headers
transported, but ignored), the way gmail doesn't forward (by default)
list mail to the sender.

There are no doubt other things I can't think of right now, but you get
the idea.
That's all down to the education (or lack of) of the person being 
introduced to the email system.
Webmail is no different from any other email system in the respect of 
top-posting for example. When I replied to this message, the cursor was at 
the top, and I could have started to type at the top, but I chose to move 
the cursor to the end and type.
Same for overquiting - I could have left everythin in (which I did do in 
this case), or delete it - supposed to be easy with a mouse?)
Use of html - deal with it. My own personal squirellmail system doesn't 
send email in HTML. It's a little tick-box. You can switching this on or 
off in Outlook, or most other email programs that I've used.
Threading - well maybe, but that's no different really from any other 
email package - hosted or run local - it's up to the implementor to get it 
right (or not).
As for forwarding list email to the sender? Huh? When I reply to a list 
email, I get a choice of who to reply to - in other email systems I've 
used, I get a button to click - reply to sender or to all. It's not hard 
to pick the right one.
Or maybe you've just had a bad experience of gmail and are tarring all 
with the same brush...
We're talking newbies here - every year I set up squirrel mail for a bunch 
of newbies - a group of young people 12-18 who've never used anything 
other than webmail, and probably won't ever use anything other than a 
hosted email system for the rest of their lives. Get used to it... They 
seem to cope OK.

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