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Re: [LUG] anyone know of partial ISP provision in the UK?


On Thu, 24 Feb 2011, tom wrote:

On 24/02/11 10:07, Gordon Henderson wrote:
On Thu, 24 Feb 2011, tom wrote:

does this happen here?


But not for all ISPs. Usually only the cheap/rubbish ones - like BT, AOL, TalTalk, etc.

The biggest issues you'll get is that a lot of spam-checkers now have complete lists of all home DSL IP addresses and weigh email coming directly from them quite heavilly.. Also, you might not have reverse DNS - something else that a lot of spam checkers don't like.

So if you want to run an email server at home/office, do get a good quality ISP and make sure you get reverse DNS setup for it.


But BT, AOL, TalTalk dont actually block port 25 do they?

Some of them do - or force you into using their own proxy.

I have clients who need to use port 587 to relay email out via my servers.


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